Hello! ¡Hola! Hallo!

We are so happy you stumbled across our site. Welcome to Equip to Explore! 

We are Josh and Ari, a husband-and-wife duo based out of the Midwest. We prefer to spend our time sleeping under the stars and cooking over campfires and have spent many hours adventuring across the United States and Europe. We were both raised with a love for the outdoors from a very young age and look forward to applying our personal experience to our work. When not working our primary day jobs, you can find us with a hot cup of coffee, playing cribbage, or hiking with our puppy, Aspen.

Equip to Explore was an idea created from our own experiences – from backpacking to lake walks, we have picked up tips and tricks for successful adventuring. After working with youth programs such as the Boy Scouts and the YMCA of the Rockies, we have gained valuable insight into the planning needed to successfully wrangle 20+ kiddos on a 12,000-foot mountain… while a storm rolls in (yikes). We also often find ourselves the go-to planners for camping trips with friends and family, which we love! 

We have a deep appreciation for tapping into the resources found in our backyard as well as learning from new cultures, communities, and landscapes outside of our home state. We integrate our own personal experiences with research from outside sources to give quality reviews and advice on everything you need to step out of the house for an afternoon, night, or week-long trip. 

Thank you for tagging along, we can’t wait to connect!


Ari and Josh

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